Table of Contents
The Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF Free Download is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to read and write Hindi numbers. This PDF file contains a list of all the Hindi numbers from one to hundred, as well as their English equivalents. This resource is perfect for people who are just starting to learn Hindi, as well as those who want to brush up on their skills.
If you are looking for a helpful and concise resource to help you learn Hindi numbers, then look no further than the Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF. This PDF file is an essential tool for anyone who wants to master the Hindi language.
Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF
The Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF is a great resource for people who want to learn Hindi numbers. This PDF provides a detailed breakdown of all the Hindi numbers from 1 to 100, including their pronunciations and meanings. Additionally, the PDF includes several helpful exercises to help you practice using Hindi numbers.
Hindi 1 To 100 In Words PDF
This PDF provides a detailed breakdown of the number system in Hindi, including the written form of numbers 1 to 100. The PDF also includes a section on common mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
This resource is a great way for students to learn Hindi numbers and math operations in a format that is easy to understand and follow.
Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words

Numbers | Hindi Numbers | Hindi Numbers In Words | Numbers In Words |
0 | शून्य | Shuniye | Zero |
1 | एक | Ek | One |
2 | दो | Do | Two |
3 | तीन | Teen | Three |
4 | चार | Char | Four |
5 | पांच | Panch | Five |
6 | छह | Cheh | Six |
7 | सात | Saat | Seven |
8 | आठ | Aath | Eight |
9 | नौ | Nao | Nine |
10 | दस | Das | Ten |
11 | ग्यारह | Gyaarah | Eleven |
12 | बारह | Baarah | Twelve |
13 | तेरह | Tehrah | Thirteen |
14 | चौदह | Chaudah | Fourteen |
15 | पंद्रह | Pandrah | Fifteen |
16 | सोलह | Saulah | Sixteen |
17 | सत्रह | Satrah | Seventeen |
18 | अठारह | Atharah | Eighteen |
19 | उन्नीस | Unnis | Nineteen |
20 | बीस | Bees | Twenty |
21 | इकीस | Ikis | Twenty-one |
22 | बाईस | Bais | Twenty-two |
23 | तेइस | Teis | Twenty-three |
24 | चौबीस | Chaubis | Twenty-four |
25 | पच्चीस | Pachis | Twenty-five |
26 | छब्बीस | Chabis | Twenty-six |
27 | सताइस | Satais | Twenty-seven |
28 | अट्ठाइस | Athais | Twenty-eight |
29 | उनतीस | Unatis | Twenty-nine |
30 | तीस | Tis | Thirty |
31 | इकतीस | katis | Thirty-one |
32 | बतीस | Batis | Thirty-two |
33 | तैंतीस | Teintis | Thirty-three |
34 | चौंतीस | Chautis | Thirty-four |
35 | पैंतीस | Paintis | Thirty-five |
36 | छतीस | Chatis | Thirty-six |
37 | सैंतीस | Setis | Thirty-seven |
38 | अड़तीस | Adhtis | Thirty-eight |
39 | उनतालीस | Untaalis | Thirty-nine |
40 | चालीस | Chalis | Forty |
41 | इकतालीस | Iktalis | Forty-one |
42 | बयालीस | Byalis | Forty-two |
43 | तैतालीस | Tetalis | Forty-three |
44 | चवालीस | Chavalis | Forty-four |
45 | पैंतालीस | Pentalis | Forty-five |
46 | छयालिस | Chyalis | Forty-six |
47 | सैंतालीस | Setalis | Forty-seven |
48 | अड़तालीस | Adtalis | Forty-eight |
49 | उनचास | Unachas | Forty-nine |
50 | पचास | Pachas | Fifty |
51 | इक्यावन | Ikyavan | Fifty-one |
52 | बावन | Baavan | Fifty-two |
53 | तिरपन | Tirepan | Fifty-three |
54 | चौवन | Chauwan | Fifty-four |
55 | पचपन | Pachpan | Fifty-five |
56 | छप्पन | Chappan | Fifty-six |
57 | सतावन | Satavan | Fifty-seven |
58 | अठावन | Athaavan | Fifty-eight |
59 | उनसठ | Unsadh | Fifty-nine |
60 | साठ | Saadh | Sixty |
61 | इकसठ | Iksadh | Sixty-one |
62 | बासठ | Baasad | Sixty-two |
63 | तिरसठ | Tirsadh | Sixty-three |
64 | चौंसठ | Chausadh | Sixty-four |
65 | पैंसठ | Pensath | Sixty-five |
66 | छियासठ | Chiyasath | Sixty-six |
67 | सड़सठ | Sadhsath | Sixty-seven |
68 | अड़सठ | Asdhsath | Sixty-eight |
69 | उनहतर | Unahtar | Sixty-nine |
70 | सत्तर | Sattar | Seventy |
71 | इकहतर | Ikahtar | Seventy-one |
72 | बहतर | Bahatar | Seventy-two |
73 | तिहतर | Tihatar | Seventy-three |
74 | चौहतर | Chauhatar | Seventy-four |
75 | पचहतर | Pachhatar | Seventy-five |
76 | छिहतर | Chiyahatar | Seventy-six |
77 | सतहतर | Satahatar | Seventy-seven |
78 | अठहतर | Adhahatar | Seventy-eight |
79 | उन्नासी | Unnasi | Seventy-nine |
80 | अस्सी | Assi | Eighty |
81 | इक्यासी | Ikyasi | Eighty-one |
82 | बयासी | Byaasi | Eighty-two |
83 | तिरासी | Tirasi | Eighty-three |
84 | चौरासी | Chaurasi | Eighty-four |
85 | पचासी | Pachasi | Eighty-five |
86 | छियासी | Chiyaasi | Eighty-six |
87 | सतासी | Sataasi | Eighty-seven |
88 | अट्ठासी | Athasi | Eighty-eight |
89 | नवासी | Nauasi | Eighty-nine |
90 | नब्बे | Nabbay | Ninety |
91 | इक्यानवे | Ikyaanave | Ninety one |
92 | बानवे | Baanave | Ninety two |
93 | तिरानवे | Tiranavay | Ninety three |
94 | चौरानवे | Chauraanavay | Ninety four |
95 | पचानवे | Pachaanavay | Ninety five |
96 | छियानवे | Chiyaanavay | Ninety six |
97 | सतानवे | Sataanavay | Ninety seven |
98 | अट्ठानवे | Adhaanavay | Ninety eight |
99 | निन्यानवे | Ninyaanavay | Ninety nine |
100 | एक सौ | Ek Sau | Hundred |
Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF Details

- Book Name: Hindi 1 To 100 In Words PDF
- Author: Tutee PDF
- Publisher: Crack Sarkari Exam
- Credits: Internet
- Genre: Hindi Numbers
- Language: Hindi
- Total Page: 96 Pages
- Size: 203.33 KB
- Format: PDF
Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF Free Download

Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF
The Hindi Numbers 1 To 100 In Words PDF is a great resource for students who want to learn numbers in Hindi. This PDF provides a detailed overview of the Hindi number system, including how to count from 1 to 100 in Hindi. The PDF also includes some helpful tips and tricks for learning Hindi numbers.
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